**IF this post is up, she is still available. She will be marked on hold when a meet & greet is set up and she will be marked sold when she has sold.** 4 year old (just turned 4 on 11/2024) AKC registered, health tested, titled Belgian Malinois female. She is a proven momma and does an excellent job with her babies. She is being retired from our program, however, could go onto another. She can go on Limited Registration (on spay contract as a pet only) or will consider Full Registration (with breeding rights) to the right home. Price differs from price listed. She will be coming back into heat in February of 2025. She has OFA Excellent Hips, OFA Normal Elbows and a Full Breed Orivet Genetic Disease/Color Panel. She is Negative for diseases on the panel. I'm happy to send over copies of her health testing to anyone interested. Please see OFA Hip & Elbow results at link below: https://ofa.org/advanced-search/?appnum=2432831 Please see link to her pedigree below. She is a West Ot Vitosha granddaughter. https://www.pedigreedatabase.com/belgian_malinois/dog.html?id=3041145-aspens-edge-ember?_v=20220521075339 She is Titled in AKC Scent Detection (SBN & SCN) and has basic obedience training. She knows sit, lay down, stay, come, go to bed, load up (in car.) She can be a typical Malinois and be stubborn. She will need an owner that knows the breed and can be the boss lol. She is cautious of new people and will take a little time to warm up. It only took her about a day once she came to us before she was completely glued to my hip. She loves to come up beside you and nudge your hand for attention. She's food motivated and ABSOLUTELY LOVES her people. She is current on vaccinations, has been microchipped and is kept on a monthly flea preventative. She stands for bathing, nail trimming and brushing. She is good in her crate at night and her kennel (5x10x6) throughout the day and rides like a champ in the car (she prefers the front seat lol!) She has been around older children and has been around our baby - but always supervised. I'd recommend her with older children only due to her size. I wouldn't recommend her with cats as she is very fixated on them. Unsure how she is with poultry or livestock. She also doesn't seem to mind our horses. She, obviously, isn't loose with them but she doesn't seem to notice them after awhile lol. She has been around other dogs (everything from 10 pounds to 60+ pounds.) She will come with her AKC paperwork, medical paperwork, health testing paperwork, collar, leash, bowls and some of the food that she eats. No shipping. Serious inquiries only. Please message us for further information. Not interested in doing co-ownership or having someone make payments.
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