Green Collar has curly/wavy hair that is red in color. He is almost 7 weeks old. He will weigh between 15-25 pounds full grown. He likes to play, enjoys belly rubs and loves to cuddle and to be held. He is a sweet little boy and a great little companion! Puppies are F1bb Mini Labradoodles. Parents are AKC and CKC registered who have been OFA certified for Hips, eyes and Elbows. Both parents are DNA tested. Puppies are dewormed, up to date on shots and vet checked. They come home with a blanket that will have the smell of the mom and siblings, small amount of food and a toy for their new home. Crate training will be started and they are familiar with going to the restroom outside. 2 Year health guarantee. Please call or text Kristin at (517) 490-6780 for more information or if you would like to schedule a visit with this sweet baby. You can also visit our Facebook page Viewpoint Labradoodles for more information and pictures.