* Total price of puppy is $1,000. Deposit to hold is $200. Deposit comes off price of puppy DEPOSIT IS NON REFUNDABLE. Please make sure you are committed before placing a deposit. * This little stunning girl is a tri color. She is absolutely tiny. Will be very small as an adult. Her mom is 8 pounds 12 inches tall. Dad is a white factored sable with an amazing coat. He weighs 7 pounds and is 11.5 inches tall. Both mom and dad are wonderful family dogs. They love to play but at the same time not hyper. They do not leave our side. Perfect loyal family members. This litter is their first. Babies will have all vet care up to date. Will come with FL State health certificate. Microchipped and will have CKC puppy application. Trixie will be a small girl. She is being offered as a pet and will be under sized to breed. If you are interested in this little girl text is best (352) 239-9417 thank you!
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