Baby Boy Gray was born November 20th and will be ready to go to his forever home January 29th. He loves meal time and cuddles. He is a very healthy boy. We will know more about his personality as he grows. We will add more information as he grows here. *week 5 = he is quite and playful. Loves cuddles! *week 8- Gray is a super fun puppy. He loves playtime and will stare at you until you give me loves. He is getting big. He weighed 16.1 pounds at the vet visit this week. He got his micro chip and is working hard to be ready for his forever home. Papa is Groot with the Bloodline of Prince Mama is Arwen with the Bloodline of Driller Buyer can pick him up in Eagar AZ or we can meet buyer within 2 hours of Eagar, to cut back on a long drive with a new puppy. If planned ahead of time we can also meet at the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport or you are welcome to set up transportation through a puppy transportation service. All puppies are raised with the "puppy culture" training.
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