Puppies born April 23rd! This boy is a stunning black sable long coat. He has received three sets of shots and regular deworming. He is AKC. Price listed is per price only. Full AKC is a different price. Sire- Jerry Z Get-Pet Czech import from SG Zicco III Z Get-Pet SVV2 and SG Dixii Z Get-Pet SVV1. He hits like a freight train with beautifully solid and strong deep grips every time. HD/ED OFA Fair/Normal DM Clear DNA pedigree https://www.pedigreedatabase.com/german_shepherd_dog/dog.html?id=3031480-jerry-z-getpet?_v=20210212092601 dam- Yuki vom Tropisch Yuki is a beautiful black sable long coat female. she is a bred by pup that is staying to become a part of the breeding program! Yuki is DM clear OFA cardiac clear/normal OFA Patellas normal A stamped Hips & Normal elbows https://www.pedigreedatabase.com/german_shepherd_dog/dog.html?id=3155132-yuki-vom-tropisch?_v=20220330000509
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