This handsome fella is an extreme white chocolate Merle parti or Chocoberry. He has chocolate markings around his right ear and a lighter grayish chocolate on his rump / base of his tail. Payment and installment plans are available. The litter was born 12/2/24. Mom had 6 total. 3 girls and 3 boys. Tails have been docked and declaws removed. 1) chocolate parti female 2) black parti female 3) chocolate Merle tweed female 4) blueberry male (blue Merle parti) 5) Chocoberry male (chocolate Merle parti) 6) chocoberry male (chocolate Merle parti) Mom is a blonde chocolate parti. She weighs 5.5lbs. AKC, CKC and APRI registered. She is OFA certified cardiac and patellas. Dad is a 4.0lb merle. Both parents are genetically health tested. The stud carries blue eyes so blue eyes are possible. Deposit will hold the puppy of your choice. I do allow payments to be made towards the puppy balance until they are ready to go to their new families - first of February (around Valentine's Day). All puppies will receive age appropriate vaccines by a veterinarian, screened for intestinal parasites and started on heartworm/flea prevention once old enough. Registration with breeding rights is available upon request. Microchipping and health certificate are available. Delivery within a certain driving distance is available as well as in cabin flight nanny and door-to-door ground transportation for an additional fee. Facebook page is Lil’ Bayou Yorkies if you would like to check us out.
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