Art MC# 0714 is a wonderful Teddy Bear (Shichon) puppy. He will weigh approx 10 pounds as an adult. Art will be ready to go to his forever home on 1-17-25. He will go to his new home up to date on shots and deworming. We will also send his 1st bag of "Grade A” puppy food home with him. All of our puppies go home with a written health guarantee and microchipped. We enjoy having, and encourage, you to come to our home and choose your next family member. We will meet you anyplace within 50 miles of Shelbyville, Indiana for travel expenses. For more information please call or text 317-512-321 0 ask for Linda. We are able to respond more quickly t o Texts or phone calls. Current Vaccinations, Health Guarantee, Microchipped, 5 pound bag of food, Toy, Electrolyte, Nutritional supplements.
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