Noella is a beautiful little F1b reverse Sheltidoodle baby. She is 75% Shetland Sheepdog and 25% Poodle. She is one of the smaller pups in her litter. She is spunky and fun and full of personality. She loves to visit and interact with you. Noelle will be fully furnished. At this point, it's looking like she may have a soft, plush coat. Mama dog is 14 lb and Daddy is 20 lb. Proof of parentage does accompany Noelle to her new home. Daddy dog is dual registered with the AKC and CKC and comes from champion lines. Both parents have amazing dispositions, smart as a whip and loyal beloved members of our family. Noelle would make an excellent fun family companion. She will be kept up to date on her deworming and puppy shots. She will be vet checked before placement. Please touch base with options for transport. There are options available which vary depending on location.
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