Introducing ALEX! (TINY TOY) He was born on 12/08/24 and turned 5 weeks old on 01-12-25. His coat is velvety soft and has a wavy hair coat. He has dark eyes! Estimated color at full growth, Mostly White with a few light cream accents. Estimated adult weight is 7 lbs. He is an AKA: Yorkipoo (MOM) Poodle (DAD) Yorkshire terrier The Yorkipoo is an excellent cuddle buddy and the ultimate lap dog. We have both parents onsite and these are great dogs for families that are looking for a smaller hypoallergenic dog that is very intelligent. ALEX is set to be vet checked 01-22-2025 and ready to go to there forever homes at 8 weeks on 02-02-2025. Please review our testimonials listed on this website and feel free to contact us with questions and viewings. Thank you.
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