We just had a litter of beautiful and healthy F1Goldendoodles on November 18th. 4 males and 5 females. These family raised dogs would be the perfect addition to any family. The father Benny is a very handsome proven Standard Poodle. He has excellent conformation, standing 22" tall at the withers and weighing 50 pounds. He has the curliest coat. Benny is very intelligent, affectionate and loyal dog. He loves to cuddle and be right by your side. Health testing: CLEAR full DNA panel through Embark (180+ diseases) OFA hips tested "Good" OFA elbows tested "Normal" The mother Luna is a pure bred English golden retriever and is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. In true golden retriever fashion she will chase a ball all day long and loves to swim in our pond on our 5 acre farm. She is a great and attentive mother. She is about 60lbs. I will update pictures as the puppies get bigger. The pictures in the listing are of our previous litter and the current puppies look very similar with the same coloring and makings. We are taking deposits to secure picking order. These puppies go fast so please don’t hesitate to call or text for the fastest response 7two0 5five6 7one8one
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