Stunning black Handsome boy. Jasper will be a good stub for breeding as well as a happy fur-baby for family. Handsome Prince! His Mom is Luna who weighs 11-lbs and Dad Rumple is 9 lbs & both are on site. He is ready for pick up now, he's is fully vetted including his 1 yr rabies. You can always come in person to meet me and the pups and make your choice of what is available. My pups come as follows: CKC registration ( after you register you get a free month of Health Care) Prior de-worming treatment started by me, vet also deworms at vet visit, and the heartworm prevention provided for you is also a prevention of intestinal worms. 1st vaccine and any due per age requirement that I have them. (You will have to finish the series with your vet) I provide their 1st month of heartworm prevention which is also a treatment/prevention of other intestinal worms ( I give to you to give to them, so you know it is being done and not just said. They get a vet exam before allowed to leave me! You get a copy of vet exam with notes, sample of food , a toy, a blanket with mom/ litter scent on it, most times I give the puppy a fresh bath on pick up day, butt hairs trimmed to prevent dingle berries :-) & around the eyes if needed or requested. They are definitely pre-spoiled and loved. Cared for in our home, handled and played with daily. I have a Facebook page called Loyal Little Lap Lions for the puppies and love getting updates & pictures. You may ask anyone on the Facebook page about me as a breeder and they will tell you I am upfront and honest and do the best I can. I do my best to give attention to you in order of which you come to me but will not hold myself up from anyone not responding back in a timely manner. Any further questions feel free to reach out to me, texting is fastest.
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