Cosmo is a beautiful Black Tri Micro Mini Multigen Australian Mountain Doodle. This was mommas first litter and Cosmo is one of 13 wonderful puppies. His Momma weighs 25 lbs and his Daddy weighs 16 lbs. Cosmo may stay around the 10 lb range. He is weighing in at only 2.14 lbs at 8 weeks old. Cosmo is extremely healthy. Mom and dad have been DNA Tested. Cosmo is double furnished which means He has the best coat you can get for hypoallergenic and non shed. His parents are super sweet, gentle and loving and we know Cosmo will be just as sweet. We do Early Neurological Stimulation and Sound Desensitization on all of our puppies. Cosmo will come up to date on all vet protocol, with a microchip and with a two year health guarantee. We also have a system that trains our puppies to potty outside of their living quarters which really helps in their house training process when they leave here. Please call or text us @ 606-209-2243. Please do not email us since we don’t always receive our emails. We have a ground transport company that we can recommend and also a flight nanny. You can check out our website to learn more about us and see all of our wonderful testimonials @ and Thanks for your interest in Cosmo.
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