💥Due to an unforeseen financial situation, this big guy is back on the market!! Hurry! He won’t last long!💥 $1250 Limited AKC (Pet), or $2500 Full AKC (With Breeding Rights). Parents are both DNA tested, JLPP clear & have outstanding pedigrees. Mom is 90-95lbs, Dad is 150lbs. “Glacier” is the second born of his litter and one of the largest! He’s got a great stocky frame and a massive head! He’s great with kids, & adults. He would be a beastly addition to a breeding program or an awesome personal or family protection dog! He completed ENS/ESI and is doing great at sound, scent, surface, tactile & overhead exposures! He has starting potty training and will begin crate training in a few more weeks. “Glacier” comes with a 1 year health guarantee/replacement warranty and an extended 4mo warranty for Full AKC purchase or with Proof of Spay/Neuter. 🔥This macho man comes with a great pedigree including Uno Vom Haus Engel, Boa Vom Hause Edelstein, Simbolico, Monaco, Hero Von Der Tonberger Hohe, Hause Milsped, & more!🔥 We use Messenger, Email, or Facebook & YouTube to keep you updated while you wait to bring “Glacier” home! For everyone’s safety we will meet in person at a public location on “Go-Home Day!”. Look us up on Facebook, Insta, & YouTube. We are a real family with a real passion for raising these awesome puppies. We look forward to meeting you! Okie Puppies. Reach us at okiepuppyinfo@gmail.com