Beautiful litter of Miniature Goldendoodle puppies were born December 29th. Two boys and six girls. Puppies will be 20-25 lbs full grown. They are multigen, both parents are Miniature Goldendoodles. Hypoallergenic and non shedding. Puppies are home raised around young children and pets. Puppies come with first vaccines, dewormed, health certificate and one year health guarantee and microchipped. These babies will be litter trained as well as pee pad trained. Taking deposits to hold pups until they are ready to go home February 20th at 8 weeks. I do take paypal goods and services for deposits. I will do video chat with the puppy, or after they are 5 weeks you can meet them in person. We offer delivery and have an in flight nanny service anywhere in the US. Call or text me for more information 727-271-5651
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