
Little Precious

Female, Born on 12/01/2024 - 8 weeks old

All About Me!

I have a 4lb AKC chocolate piebald dachshund with Isabella bloodlines (her sister , who is in the pictures, and her father , are both Isabella). The puppies favor momma and have chocolate piebald dachshund. The vet said they will be small like mom. Dad was an 8lb chihuahua. We have 2 females and 3 males. All puppies will be vet checked , have vaccinations, records, and a puppy pack to include a new collar, blanket that smells like mom and siblings, and a keepsake! The puppies will be available once they turn 8 weeks on Jan 25. There is a $200 deposit to hold a puppy (with written documentation) and $600 is due upon pickup which is anytime after 8 weeks. (We know not everyone can come up with $600 all at once right after a holiday so you can take as long as you need to pay, but you will have to wait to pick up your puppy until paid and then you will be given a written receipt). The puppies are also bottle fed so they are super affectionate and loving, and very attached to people. They are already working on crate training and potty training. * PLEASE TEXT ME BECAUSE I DO NOT ALWAYS GET EMAILS!*

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Offered ByMichele W
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