Both parents are onsite and AKC registered . Papa- A gorgeous fluffy grey frenchie very energetic and fun loving. Momma- A beautiful solid black frenchie. She is a good mom loves to cuddle and play. This is her first litter. Dad's a fluffy carrier and carry colors. AKC tested DNA Puppies- We have 4 pups available 2 females and 2 males They are 5 weeks old this week. The pups can come with AKC full rights for $5,000 or Pet home only for $3,600. They will be puppy pad and crate trained. They will have been socialized played with and given lots of love. They will be ready for their forever homes at 8-10 weeks. We will also send home a puppy kit to get started. Auburn-Wa Willing to travel to meet up within reason negotiable Deposit required to hold the pup of choice 1K Payments may be accepted but the puppy cannot go home until paid in full. Pup- Apollo is a male black and tan frenchie fluffy carrier who looks like his mommy. He is such a cuddle bug and loves attention. This male frenchie is a keeper. Apollo is waiting for his forever home so please let me know if you have any questions or concerns to help you with this lasting decision. Thank You!
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