Rambo is a red and white male Blenheim puppy. He has a sweet, friendly, outgoing personality. His mother weighs 16 pounds and his father weighs 16.5 pounds. He will be ready for his new home at 8 weeks on 1/24/25. The last two pictures are of his mother and father. We can meet buyers with their puppies on 1/25/25 in Grand Prairie, Texas which is in the DFW area. We can also meet within reason at other locations. He has been vaccinated and Vet checked. All of the puppies in his litter are healthy. He also comes with full breeding rights. I mainly raise Cavapoo puppies but occasionally I raise Cavaliers. You can see videos of him on my website at www.highplainscavapoos.con See him on the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppies for sale page. I am located in Amarillo, Texas. You may call or text me at 806-471-3548 Thanks, Jenette Baker
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