Little Mr Rebel is a Black Tri F1 Miniature Aussiedoodle! Rebel is the smallest male in his litter. He weighs 2.5 lbs lbs at 6 weeks old. Rebel just wants a lap to nap in! He’s a gentle little soul! Sire is Cody. Cody is a registered Apricot Miniature poodle. Cody weighs 11-13 lbs. Cody the the sweetest boy! He has a medium drive. Playful but also a calmer personality. Piper is the dam. Piper is a registered blue Merle Miniature Australian Shepherd. Piper wants to be with you all the time. She is a pocket dog for sure. Always loving, always ready to be loved on and always ready for her treats. Piper weighs approximately 20 lbs. Puppies have had their dewclaws removed. They will be current on vaccinations and dewormings. They can go home at 8 weeks old. Non refundable deposits to hold are $400 with the remainder due at pickup. I meet everyone in Bloomfield Mo for pick ups. I no longer have anyone to my home, no exceptions. I do have a Facebook page up for additional pictures. Shining J Doodles and Danes
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