F1b Bernedoodles born on July 16, 2024. 3 boys and 4 girls. Mom is a Standard poodle and dad is an F1 Bernedoodle. The puppies will be ready for their forever homes on Sept. 11, 2024. The puppies will receive the following: ❤️ wormed at 2,4,6,8 weeks ❤️ a parvo vaccine at 5 weeks ❤️ microchipped at 6 weeks weeks ❤️ vet checked at 6 weeks ❤️ first puppy combo vaccine at 8 weeks ❤️ ENS (early neurological stimulation) ❤️ ESI (early scent introduction) ❤️ sound desensitization The puppies are born and raised in my home. They move to the puppy room at 4 weeks where they have lots of big toys a tv with an extensive play list of sound desensitization videos and dog tv. The puppies also have a very large secure outside puppy pen with lots of toys to play with weather permitting. https://www.facebook.com/share/15U9r3pAne/?mibextid=wwXIfr Www.brachapoodlesanddoodles.com Instagram: bracha_poodles_and_doodles
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