

American Bully
Female, Born on 10/10/2024 - 17 weeks old

All About Me!

Hi, I'm Winter! I'm ready for my forever home! I'm a rare female Cryptic (Ghost) Merle. I'm highly intelligent, determined, and very curious. I love to run and play, and am a born leader. I'm assertive, but not food-aggressive. I'm becoming familiar with basic commands, and am almost house broken! I come from 3 highly reputable bloodlines on my mom's side, including the renowned Gottiline (the "Notorius Juan Gotty), BBK, and BDK lineages (see bottom for their details). I am just a very happy pup who's tail is always going a mile a minute. I'd be perfect for a young family with kids. I'd promise to protect them, and keep them smiling everyday of my life! That, along with many of my other lovable attributes, makes me the perfect companion for any family or single alike. DON'T SWIPE!! All of this puppy breath could be yours! KEY FEATURES: BLOODLINE: DAME - Standard - Merle coat - Top-notch genetics! - ABKC Registered - Papered from highly reputable kennels, including: * ECREALPITS GOTTI * BBK - Grand Championship bloodline! * BDK - (See bottom) SIRE - XL - Brindle coat - Excellent temperant - Excellent health - Breeder origins, no papers EARLY NEUROLOGICAL STIMULATION (ENS) GRADUATE! - Military program designed to enhance working dogs performance (police, FBI, etc) - Completed on days 3-18 of life - Incredible lifetime benefits giving your pup a headstart, some include: * Boosts immune system * Jump-starts neurgological development * Improved stress response HEALTH GUARANTEED: - Vaccinated - Completing deworming rounds - ENS trained - Goat Milk weaned, promoting: * Digestive health * Immune system * Bone and muscle development TERMPERMENT: - Raised in a family home socialized since birth (handling, etc) - Super happy! - Socialized to loud noises like storms, fireworks and vacuums - Easy going BODY STRUCTURE: - Paws are straightforward, not east-west as others may display - Excellent top line - Beautiful H-Frame APPEARANCE: - Cryptic Merle - White tuxedo and muzzle, extended between eyes - 4 full white socks - Beautiful blue-grey eyes...this puppy is sure to turn heads! PREFERENCE: - Family home with backyard BLOODLINE/LINEAGE KENNELS: Gotti Bloodline A prominent lineage in the American Bully community. Known for its muscular build, unique physical characteristics, and impressive temperament. A very popular choice among Pit Bull enthusiasts. BBK (Blood Bone Kennels) Known for producing family-friendly American Bullies with great temperament and health. Emphasizing quality ensuring their pups are well-socialized and trained from birth. BBK dogs come from grand championship bloodlines. BDK (Bully Dog Kennels) Known for their American Bullies, BDK focuses on producing structurally sound and healthy dogs with excellent temperaments. The dogs are often health tested and come from well-documented pedigrees.

Why I stand out

Health Guarantee
Champion Blood
Vet Exam
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