Leo is a Handsome short-haired Male Chihuahua, with a tuxedo Blue and white coat and an apple head. He has upright ears, and a stocky body. He is happy, playful, sweet, curious, and has a good appetite. He loves wrestling with his siblings, and playing with his exploring. Grew up with a cat and other doggies. Currently 2 lb 4 oz. and stocky. He will be around 7 lbs. Vaccines and wormings are up to date. Crate trained and patiently waits for his mom to come back inside. He would be a lovely couch companion for you and your other pets, and as a good traveling friend in the car or backpack. A TEXT will get a quicker answer: ..402-909-2280.... Offering Personal Delivery only, in Public. Up to 70 miles. Providing delivery in the Eastern areas of: NY, NJ, CT, PA, DE, MD, DC. Will meet you at a time and place that is mutually acceptable.
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