Black- Male Landseer Black & White Beautiful quality, AKC certified Newfoundland. The mother is on site and is a beautiful, healthy brown Newfoundland. She has the most amazing personality and is absolutely amazing with our two young children. She is very relaxed and wants to be by us all the time. The father also has an amazing, playful temperament is is also great with children. This is a litter of 11 and is Lucy's first litter. These puppies are handled, multiple times a day, by our children and very well socialized. These puppies will come with all up to date vaccinations, de-wormed and will be vet-checked before they head to their fur-ever homes. It is important to us that our puppies are heading to loving home, so many questions may be asked. Each puppy will come with a puppy welcome bag, their AKC paperwork and folder, and a scented blanket of their mother and litter mates. A $500 deposit is required to guarantee your puppy. Ready to go home: 2/24/25 Please check out our website for more information...
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