Sweetest little snuggle bunny with kisses galore! They are AKC registered (heavy Champion Pedigree.) Dad is 4 lbs and Mom is 7 lbs. Puppies come with a New care package. They are vet checked, vaccines, wormed, dew claws done, use a puppy pad and learning a doggy door prior to leaving me. They are raised in my home with lots of TLC! I also own the Grandparents and Great Grandparents to this litter. Prices are $2000-$2500 and are based on color, size and sex. I have been raising Papillons for over 18 yrs. I prefer pick up although delivery is available for an additional fee. I am located near Dothan, AL. Please call me for additional information as I do not check email often. 334-598-4450. No Texting as I have a landline. Thank You.
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