Andy is a beautiful red and white with black tips English Bulldog. He is really just a little lover boy. He has beautiful wrinkles and cute nose roll. He is very sweet, energetic, loves to run, play and he gives the best puppy kisses and cuddles. He's AKC registered with unlimited registration. All of his vaccinations and worming shots are up to date and he is registered in AKC's Puppy Protection Plan. He will be registered in your name at no cost to you and his micro-chip will be registered for his lifetime. Your puppy will come to you with a puppy package that includes his pedigree, photos, toys, food &a puppy blanket with mom’s scent to help him feel more secure in his new home. References are available. For questions and more information please call 417-652-7573 (Jeanie) or email and she will get back with you ASAP.
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