Meet Enzo! He is the Sire to all our puppies and he has large and healthy litters! He is Fully Health Tested through Embark and checked out great! He is Fully AKC Registered. He is pure white and and is just gorgeous to look at! He is trained to the leash and loves to take long walks and to be out in nature! Although he is very shy mainly to men. He was in a kennel up until we got him and brought him to our small family farm. He is a very sweet doggie when he is fully warmed up to the person. He mainly a one person doggie although he should be fine around a group of people. He never try to bite or any thing. He is just looking for someone that will understand him. And have the love and time for him! He would need a fenced in yard. We also have lots of pictures of his babies. The only reason we are rehoming is that we are keeping one of his babies! Contact Julie at 417-224-444!
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