Golden Retriever puppies for sale! 9 weeks old and ready for their forever homes! There are only 6 beautiful babies left available, 5 males and 1 female. Mom and dad are both AKC registered and so is the litter. Both parents are on site and live with us, they are part of our family. Goldens make awesome pets and are great with other animals and children. If interested please text or message us, hurry, messages are starting to come in as the puppies are ready for new families. We can't wait to hear from you!!!... Names are their collar identification color. Also message us if you would like more updated pictures. Clyde. Dad is 5 years old and is English cream colored. He is medium to large build and is AKC Registered. Bonnie. Mom is 4 years old and is medium golden colored. She is medium build and is AKC Registered.
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