Autum is an apricot/ cream colored puppy. I feel she has a medium energy. Sweet puppy. She is ready to go to a loving home. 1 female available. 2 males and 2 females went to loving homes. I do ENS (early neurological stimulation) training from day 3 to 6 weeks of age. I feel like this helps them become more social. They are raised around children and adults. They have been declawed, but still have their tails. Before they go home, they will get a vet exam. Mom is a white AKC Minature Poodle that weighs around 11 lbs, and she is around 12 inches tall. She is sweet and loves everyone! She is geneticly tested through Embark and is cleared. Dad is sweet and respectful. He is an AKC Minature Poodle, he weighs around 16 lbs, and he is around 13.5 inches tall. We accept holds, with a $200 non refundable deposit to hold the puppy of your choice. Limited AKC 1,000. This is for pet only.(spay/ nueter contract) Full AKC 2,000. This is for showing or breeding rights. Feel free to call or text 360-624-5535. Please no Sunday's it is our family day. We are located in Yacolt, WA. It is around 1 hour from IKEA in Portland, OR.