We have 2 female Boston Terrier puppies left ready to go to their new forever homes December 14th Mom is Akc Boston Terrier 23 lbs . Dad is AKC Boston Terrier 18 lbs. These sweet babies were born October 18th 2024. They are absolutely adorable, a must see. These little puppies will be great around children of all ages and other pets. They will have had their first set of shots, wormed, and will come with a little puppy pack which will include their shot records, some toys and a little food to help ease the transition into their new home. Their shots include the following: Canine Distemper Adenovirus Type 2 Para influenza Parvovirus. Feel free to call or text for a visit with these cuties, 253-202-7301. $2000 cash or Zelle. Thank you for your interest and look forward to helping you find a forever family member. Thank You, Lisa :)
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