Update: This little guy has stayed small. He weighs a little over 4 lbs. He is a doll. Totally puppy pad trained! I will take current photos and post them. 01/08/2025 This little boy is an absolute doll! He currently weighs one pound and 8 ounces. He will be 6 weeks old on Friday. Mom is gorgeous Maltese and dad is teacup poodle. These puppies have been raised with lots of love. They are very healthy and are using the puppy pads 95 % of the time. Both parents are amazing. Will be posting lots of pictures this evening. I live in Nacogdoches but work in the Houston area Monday through Friday. Will be happy to meet part of the way or will deliver for a reasonable fee. I am a teacher.... If I do not answer just leave a message and I will message asap! Please feel free to call, text or facetime.
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