Jack is such a cuddly Pupkid and so smart❣️. Jack is so fun to play with and he figures out all type of challenges and solves them❣️🐾🐾 We use Puppy Culture Training.” for fear desensitizing. He is great with grooming, toenail trims and even the blow dryer. He is charting to be 5-1/2 pounds as an adult. He had his Dew Claws removed by our family veterinarian at 5 days old. He has had his 1st and 2nd inoculations and 2 types of deworming and his wellness check. His Dam is 6 pounds, non-registered and very smart and a great companion. His Sire is 4-1/2 pounds AKC-DNA Registered and stays right beside me and listens carefully. If you wish him to join your family, please contact me. 517-262-3626…… Thank you for looking!🐾🐾
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