Meet Charlotte , a red tri female with blue eyes...Her dam is a loud colored red merle with blue eyes and her sire is a red tri BET(blue eyed tri). She is AKC standard size. Our website is for more information. Both sire and dam have clear genetics through Embark. Tail and dew claws removed. Our address is 5253 Rickman Rd, Cookeville, Tennessee, half way between Nashville and Knoxville She will go to vets at 6 weeks of age for first shot and health check. She will then be able to go home around Valentines day. She will have AKC application, pedigree, Purina Pro PLan puppy food, toys, treats, leash and harness and baby picture. We encourage local pickup but will meet in Nashville or Knoxville if your driving a long distance. We also like to use Y2K pet transport Liz Yorek
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