This is Ginger! She is a very energetic puppy. She loves to play with toys and tussle with her siblings even bossing around the boys at times. Ginger currently has a much lighter coloring than she is expected to have as an adult. She should grow up to be the color that her ears are currently. Ginger was born on Nov. 2, 2024 along with her 11 siblings. She is AKC Registered, dewormed, vaccinated, vet-checked and ready to go home to her forever family! Wenger's Willow is the Dam of this litter. She is an AKC Registered Dark Golden, weighing around 65 lb and is genetic tested clear. Willow has been our family pet for almost 4 year prior to having her first litter of puppies this November. She has been an incredible first time Momma; birthing, feeding, and caring for all 12 of her babies without intervention or supplemental feeding! Willow is a well minded and active dog. Her favorite things to do are be in the water and play fetch. Willow's retrieving instincts are so strongly bred into her that I never had to teach her how to fetch. She watched my parents dog fetch a ball one time and it has been her favorite activity ever since! Backyard's Dasher is the Sire of this litter. He is a 65 lb AKC Registered, Dark Golden, and is OFA heart certified. Dasher joined our family 5 months ago and I was unsure if I would be able to keep him long term or not. However when he came home I immediately noticed his calm demeanor and sweet personality and I knew he would stay with our family forever. Dasher's favorite activity is to run around the farm and find 'toys' to stash in his bed for later, but he never forgets to come back for snuggles and chin scratches every couple minutes! A deposit of $300 will reserve Ginger for you until your able to pick her up or arrange transportation. Delivery and shipping are available at the buyers expense.
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