Happy is a bernedoodle male with beautiful markings and is such a sweet boy! He loves to cuddle! He’s the biggest boy of our litter and is a big ball of love! Our bernedoodles are F1BB- 87.5% Standard Poodle & 12.5% Bernese Mountain Dog. The most hypoallergenic combo! Non-shedding. Parents both have beautiful coloring and sweet personalities. Dad is 65 lbs and Mom is 55 lbs. We are hand-raising our sweet puppies in our home. Lots of socialization with our children and two other dogs. As a homeschool family, we are able to dedicate all of our time to our puppies. During their time with us, we don't do any extracurricular activities and make our puppies our first priority. While they are in our home, they will receive lots of love and attention, a good start to positive training habits, socialization and desensitization sounds.
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