Looking for a new best friend? Gio is very playful, and loves people and young children. Playtime is a high light to his day. He is very teachable and has a very loving personality. Gio is a a good natured red and white colored Shih Tzu puppy that has a great breeding background! Gio is beautifully colored with a colorful pedigree. His mom is a light grey / dark grey colored AKC registered Shih Tzu that weighs 11 lbs. Mom has a very gentle and mild nature, and gets along well with other dogs. Dad is a red and white colored Shih Tzu that weighs 12 1/2 lbs, with a muscular ,smaller build. Dad is an AKC registered male that has a very gentle and teachable personality. We can ship Gio to you if you need have him shipped to you. We are experienced in shipping with dedicated, commercial, or airline shipping. We would love you to be able to meet this good natured puppy! Please call or text 574-354-7036
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