We have a stunning blue 50/50 Frenchton female that was born December 1st and will be ready to go January 26. Mom is Boston Terrier dad is French Bulldog. Both are AKC registered. Mom weighs about 18 lbs dad weighs about 30 lbs. Both have phenomenal dispositions. This girl is absolutely adorable. Pictures don't do her justice. She has the cutest little smooshed up face and is beautifully marked. She's already so sweet and cuddly. Lots and lots of love has gone into her. She is being raised with children of all ages and comes pre-spoiled. She comes with a 1 yr health guarantee, certificate from her vet check and her health record with current vaccinations and dewormings. Pickup is highly preferred! Ground shipping is available through J and M Pet Transport if puppy must be shipped. I will not send one of my pups with a shipper that I don't know and trust. I also do not fly my pups by themselves. However if you'd like to fly in to pick your puppy up and fly him or her back with you you're absolutely welcome to do so. If you decide to ground ship you will need to contact J and M directly to obtain a quote as pricing is solely at their discretion. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. 740-240-2747
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