Meet your new puppy Miss Apricot a Toy Poodle. Miss Apricot is happy and energetic. She will be a wonderful loyal companion making your family complete. She will steal your heart from day one. Born on Aug 7. Weighed 5 lbs. 7 oz on Dec. 31. estimates her adult wt. to be in the 7 lb. range. Registered with America's Pet Registry. Current on vaccinations and worming. Her adoption fee is $575. We offer pickup at our door or shipping throughout the USA. She comes with registration paper, vaccination & worming record, microchip and a packet of puppy food. Shipping to most areas in the USA is available for an ADDITIONAL $385-585 with a ground transporter (they only transport puppies and kittens). The shipping cost includes fare, health certificate, microchip, vaccination & worming record and registration paper. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you might have and check out my reviews!! She's just waiting to join your family! You may text or call (316) 992-8715 or email Don't hesitate to ask your questions.
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