Percy is a handsome F1 Mini Bernedoodle who will be approximately 30 to 50lbs full grown! He was born December 21st and is old enough to go home as early as Saturday Feb 15th! Her parents are Maggie & Banjo. Maggie is an AKC Bernese Mt Dog weighing 90 lbs and Banjo the Father is a registered mini poodle weighing 16 lbs. He will come with a 2yr health guarantee against genetic defects. Up to date on shots and wormers. He is microchipped. Health checked by our vet. A blanket with his littermates scent on it. A small bag of Purina Pro Plan food. A bag of Little Jacs training treats. A leash and a collar. 30 days free pet insurance. Toys and more! Text or call Ryan at 2174601313 for more info or head over to the website
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