Biscotti is an AKC Whippet puppy. He is white with beautiful blue spots. His pedigree includes a long line of healthy, good-natured dogs. His parents are OFA heart health certified. They are our family pets who live in our country home and they have plenty of room to run and play. They get lots of love, hugs and treats every day. We’ve been breeding for 23 years and are here for our puppies and adoptive parents for a lifetime. We have many 5-star testimonials from our puppy parents. We would love to have you visit us to see our dogs! Biscotti is being raised with lots of love and attention. We socialize our puppies with children, other dogs, and even cats. Biscotti has his dewclaws done and all his vaccinations will be up to date. He will be to go to his new home on March 15. Biscotti comes with a health guarantee, AKC limited registration and a neuter agreement. Transportation is available.
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