This is Cocoa. He is now 10 weeks and is ready for his forever home. 🏡 Cocoa is outgoing, playful, loving, and very gentle. However he does like to play a whole heck of a lot. He is very tiny and delicate, so you’ll have to be very careful with him and spoil him rotten. They’re very sweet, but they are high maintenance and need a lot of attention. He is pure bread, but does not have papers due to me not wanting them when originally getting mom and dad. Momma dog pulls blonds and this litter she pulled 3. Vet said blonds are very rare due to the gene carried that lacks a pigments gene.🧬 He has been vet health checked 👩⚕️✅ dewormed 🪱✅ vaccinated💉✅ and is ready for her forever home.🏡✅🐾
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