This precious little boy is a light red, his ears are darker At 14 weeks old he weighed 2.6 lbs He loves to be held and loves everyone he meets. He is being raised in our family home. His parents are our family pets their pictures are in the Ad. Jake will make a wonderful family pet. Jake's Mom is a black Toy Poodle she weighs 5 lb., and his dad is a black and cream Phantom Toy Poodle he weighs 8 lb., both parents have been Embark tested (DNA) they are 100% Toy Poodle, and both have past the poodle panel, Both parents are AKC and CKC registered. Jake has been vet checked. His dew claws have been removed and his tail has been docked by my Vet. Jake will be current on age-appropriate vaccines and deworming. He comes with vet check, shot records and a goodie bag. He comes with CKC papers, he is being sold as a pet. Jake will be ready for his forever home on 12/07/2024. Jake can be held with a non-refundable deposit of $500, references available up on request. Shipping can be arranged with our flight nanny for an additional cost. For more information, please call or text 616-299-8083
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