Our “I Love Lucy” litter, Rickey is a in a litter of 4 (both girls are already reserved) is ready to become your special companion and love you unconditionally. He is 8 weeks old , vet checked & shots giving by vet, will be UTD on shots AKC limited registration. Mom is tri and dad is a tri color. Crate training and potty training. will be started at 5 weeks . All our puppies are socialized around our grandchildren everyday. You can text me 479-970-7125 or email frostyscavaliers@gmail.com or website frostyscavaliers.com . We will be glad to FaceTime with you to meet one of our beautiful puppies.….to reserved your puppy is a nonrefundable $300 deposit, we take Cash App, Venmo & Zelle contact us and I can answer any questions for you and meet your family member.. Ready January 28th
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