Clarence is such a fun and spunky little boy. He will be a toy and remain under 10 lb. He weighed in at 2 lb and 2 oz at his 3-month vet check. He is a lovely Rich colored mahogany sable. He's very social and confident. He has a lovely full white collar around his neck. He is a AKC registerable and from DNA health tested parents with good genetics. Both parents are all the smaller side for shelties. Both mom and dad are around 14 lb and have very small Shelties in their lines. Clarence is very small and will likely stay smaller than both sire and dam. Clarence has been ethically raised indoors around children and other dogs and has been handled it from birth. He has had his second round of puppy shots and vet check and is ready for placement. Clarence can be chaperoned in cabin with Southwest Airlines. Other modes of transportation can be offered. Please contact for options.
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