AKC mini wire hair shaded red solid male born 12/2/24. Mom is mini short hair black and tan dapple and dad is wire hair red solid. Both parents test PRA clear. Our pups are raised in our home and given lots of love and attention on quality foods. All puppies will be up to date on vaccinations and worming. We give Neopar (parvo) and start puppy vaccinations with vet check before your puppy will go home with you, and will be wormed every 2 weeks while with us to ensure a good healthy start in life. Our puppies are familiar with everyday household noises, other pets, and people friendly. We try to make their transition to their new homes as easy as possible. We pride ourselves on producing healthy, happy, loving puppies. We build wonderful relationships with the adoptive families and provide pictures,videos, and updates throughout your waiting time for them to go home with you. We can also provide references. You are always welcome in our home for visits. Please contact for any questions or more pictures. We do our best with pictures, but they are squirmy little babies! A $200 deposit is required to hold a puppy. First come first serve. We will not hold a puppy without a deposit. I am open to discuss travel arrangements at your expense. Feel free to contact me on my cell phone - leave a voicemail or send a text. (9seven9)7four3-zero3zero3
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