Stallone Hold for Kristin is a red and white male Blenheim puppy. He has a sweet, friendly, outgoing personality. His mother weighs 16 pounds and his father weighs 16.5 pounds. He will be ready for his new home at 8 weeks on 1/24/25. The last two pictures are of his mother and father. We will be meeting buyers with their puppies in Grand Prairie, Texas which is in the DFW area on 1/25/25. He has been vaccinated and Vet checked. He and all of his litter mates checked out healthy. And also had a negative fecal. He also comes with full breeding rights. I mainly raise Cavapoo puppies but occasionally raise Cavaliers. You can see videos of him on my website at www.highplainscavapoos.con See him on Cavalier King Charles Puppies for sale page. I am located in Amarillo, Texas. You are welcome to come see the puppies, You may call or text me at 806-471-3548 Thanks, Jenette Baker
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