Dumbo is a male lilac and tan frenchie and is also a fluffy carrier. He is one friendly pup who enjoys playing with other dogs as well as anyone he sees nearby. He is currently 7 weeks old and has an approximate weight of 5 pounds. He is one healthy young boy just like his brothers and sisters. Both parents count with OFA paperwork. Our priority is to provide healthy and beautiful puppies. If you're looking for a frenchie with great qualities and who also is very social, Dumbo will be a great addition to your family. Dumbo was the last in the litter to lift up his ears, hence then name. Now he has lifted one and is working on the other :). As always we are open to reasonable offers. Puppy will come with up to date vaccinations, dewormed, and a puppy wellness exam. Once they go to their new home you will receive some toys, a blanket, as well as some food. We are located in Lakewood Colorado but if shipping is need we are happy to arrange something. If there's any further questions please email me at fabianvillagrana2@gmail.com or send us a dm on our instagram @ lucky.ace_bullies
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