We have a stunning litter of F1b Standard Goldendoodles. Bernice is the mom and Captain is the Dad. Bernice weighs 55 pounds and Captain weighs 75 pounds. Our puppies are born and raised in our home. We will take individual pictures when pups are 10 to 14 days old. Puppies will have curly, non shedding coats. Puppies will be examined by our veterinarian and receive their first vaccine prior to leaving. They will be ready for new homes January 31st. For an additional fee, we do offer delivery or can meet you within a 6 or 7 hour radius of Green Bay, Wisconsin. We are located in Kewaunee, which is about 30 minutes east of Green Bay. Call, text or email us if your interested in one of these darlings! 920-536-3647 romi.doodles@gmail.com
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