I am parti color tan and white. This adorable playful boy is ready for his fur-ever home now. He was born 10/18/24. He will come microchipped, vet checked, dewormed and CKC registerable and a five generations pedigree. To help with transition he will come with a blanket with Mom's scent, a small bag of food, treats and some toys. The puppies are raised in home with love and attention and have been well socialized. We are looking for a home that will also provide lots of love and attention. For fastest response call or text me directly. 216 -345-0676.Pickup only,and cash only. I have reduced to $800 firm. I also have a group on Facebook called Ohio's Patriots poms. The website is ohiospatriotpoms66@gmail.com you can see more about pups. And updated on adoptees.
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