Sweetest little snuggle bunnies with kisses galore! I have been raising Japanese Chin for more than 20 yrs & They are the Love Of My Life! Colors of past litters include white/red, white/lemon, white/black and black/white colors. Please call me for information. CKC Registered from AKC Champion lines. The Grandparents and Great Grandparents also reside with me. Mom is 5 1/2 lbs and Dad is 7 1/2 lbs. Puppies from previous litters have been 4 lbs and up grown with beautiful long coats. Puppies are available to loving homes only!! They are raised in my home, vet checked, registered, UTD on their vaccinations, wormed, dew claws done, potty pad trained and learning outside potty time. They are prespoiled with LOTS of LOVE and TLC!!! I prefer pick up although delivery is available for an additional fee. I am located near Dothan, AL (lower SE corner of AL.) Phone is the best way to reach me 334-598-4450. NO Text Messages~ I have a landline. Thank You.
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