$900 Maltese /Shih Tzu Puppies. 1 female/1 male. Dam is a 9 pound Shih Tzu and the Sire is 8 pound Maltese. They are non-shedding and great for people with allergies. They are family raised. They will weigh between 6-9 pounds as adults. They are great with children, adults and with other animals. They will have completed 3 puppy vaccinations and up to date on worming. They are socialized and played with by children and adults. Have placed many for therapy dogs! They come with a 2 yr congenital/hereditary health guar. contract, microchip, toy, food, vet check, shot record, puppy instructions, puppy book, health certificate signed by a vet, homemade blanket and loads of love. Will meet for delivery. Ground shipment for additional cost. Email mycutepuppies@hotmail.com or call 218-252-6067
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