Shayne is an adorable puppy just looking to find the perfect home...and he wants to give you ALL his love and attention!! He is a sweet, cutie Cockachon. Momma is a Cockachon and daddy's a Bichon. He's ready to romp and play with you. Shayne was born on June 30 and weighed 10 lbs. 15 oz. on Dec. 9. He is current on vaccinations and worming. Comes with a vaccination & worming record, birth certificate, microchip and a packet of puppy food. Price is $200. We offer pickup at our door or shipping throughout the USA. Shipping to most areas in the USA is available for an ADDITIONAL $385-585 with a ground transporter (they only transport puppies and kittens). Shipping cost includes fare, health certificate, microchip, vaccination & worming record and birth certificate. If you prefer you are welcome to secure a transporter and send them to my door. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you might have and check out my reviews!! You may contact me by text at (316) 992-8715 or email:
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